简 单来说,我想说的是,我对这个选区巨大的转变感到非常骄傲。在1961年,这里发生了一场大火,由废墟中,我们重建了整个社区。这可能是全新加坡的典范, 甚至可说是全马来西亚的典范,如果我们准备宽容对待彼此,建立一个马来西亚人的马来西亚,一个不分种族、语言、宗教的马来西亚,在生活中共享平等。
一 些人可能会在想,为何我们对他们任意妄为的说法保持沉默,你知道的……『马来人大团结』(Malays unite)……他们到处在喊这个口号。人们感到担忧。如果在华人社会中,你听到有人说:「福建人大团结」,那些非福建人将会说:「这是什么意思?这是在 打压全体的非福建人吗?」同样的,当他们说『马来人大团结』,我们会说:「这是什么意思?」
同 时,我要告诉你其中的理由,为何现在决定更好。首先,如果你允许这些人每天在《马来前锋报》(UTUSAN MELAYU)和《世纪前锋报》(UTUSAN ZAMAN)告诉马来人说:「马来人大团结!马来人大团结!」——他们说的都是种族,而不是国家,他们挂在口中的是『种族』(bangsa),从来都不是 国家——如果这种情况持续两年、三年、四年、五年的话,将会非常难改变这种根深蒂固的思想。因此,我说,最好现在决定,我们是否要继续这样下去,因为如果 太迟进行改变的话,那将会很困难。你知道这个人,巫统总秘书在国会里头说些什么吗?他说:「无伤大雅,我可以说『华人大团结!华人大团结!』」他还未对自 己正在做的事计算其重要性。
他所谓的马华叫华人团结的意思呢?他知道华人将不可能在马华的旗帜下团结,因为他们是『政治太 监』(political eunuch)。你知道什么是太监吗?太监就是不男不女的人类。因此,从政治角度来看,这些人没杀伤力。因此,他们说:「是的!你去叫华人团结吧!」心知 肚明,他们不能在太监的旗帜下团结。
可是,如果我们站起来的话,真正的华人会站起来说 道:『团结』,你知道接下来五年会发生什么事,这42%的人口。这个国家将会发生什么事?我想这是个很愚蠢的谈话。这是这几年我们为新加坡所抗争的事,自 从59年、60年、61年、62年、63年,你都应该晓得。你知道联盟如何以种族为基础利用基层和人民,我说,这是没有前途的。
你 看吧!宪法中的承诺必定导向(成立一个)马来西亚人的国度——一个马来西亚人的马来西亚。同时,如果他们不这样做的话,他们必须使用违背宪法的方法来停止 这一切。因此,我说,如果你要做这件好事,现在就做!对我们来说会更好,也让我们更容易的做出其他的替代安排。什么是替代安排呢?关于这点,我们不要谈得 太多,可是如果真的需要的话,那我会说:「看吧!那些想要『马来西亚人的马来西亚』的州属可以团结起来。」我可以立即联想到三个地方:沙巴、砂朥越和新加 坡,我可以联想到其他地方,好像槟城和马六甲。我甚至相信柔佛——柔佛苏丹或许不想加入印尼,所以巫统建议它独立。他干嘛要这样做呢?
或 许,这位巫统总秘书……我阅读报纸事得知他来自苏拉威西(旧称Celebes)他在那里出生长大,并在战前来到新加坡。或许,他想要重新加入苏拉威西,可 是我相当肯定柔佛苏丹不想加入苏拉威西,因为加入苏拉威西将等同加入爪哇,和加入印尼,意思即是对他们低声下气。如果他们坚持要这样做,那我会说,现在就 说,我们可以做出替代安排;越来越好,同时,他们没有足够力量,他们没有足够的武器以武力通知这个马来西亚;办不到,这是不可能的。去统治一块八万平方英 亩的沙巴和砂朥越,马来西亚的1½倍,之间相隔一个一千英里的海洋——他们想要统治它?他们想要驾驶着联盟的『帆船』(Kapal Layar),航向沙巴和砂朥越对它进行统治,而无需英国、澳洲和纽西兰的帮忙?
这 就是我要说出来的信息,不习惯让马来人统治的不止是新加坡人民,你知道他们在国会怎么说吗?哥打士打(Kota Star,即是亚罗士打,Alor Setar)的马哈迪医生说了什么?他说「我们新加坡不习惯让马来人统治,我们不像吉兰丹或丁加奴的人民。」好吧!让我告诉他:当我们加入马来西亚时,我 们从来没有同意过让马来人统治,我们同意的是让马来西亚人统治,从来不是马来人的统治。
这全是废话,如果有人相信我们同意让马来人统治的 话,这些人犯了致命的错误。我们从来也没同意过。宪法禀明,基于每个成年人所拥有的权力,所投选出来的代表治理这个民主国家;一人一票;每个公民一票,即 是说,马来西亚由马来西亚人所治理,而我们必须清楚的说明这一点,这是我们所同意的唯一规矩。
而任何人,包括马哈迪医生,所说的马来人统 治(Malay rule),我说这些都是一派胡言,而且是在瞎干,因为这将非常肯定会给我们带来极大的不幸(unhappiness),不止是我们,也包括了他们的不 幸,因为我们都知道无论如何我们都要面对这些问题,同时,如果我们向他们显示出我们的团结和强大,并抗拒这些恐吓,这样的话,较大机会他们不会乱来。
Before I speak in Hokkien, may I just say what a great pleasure it is to be with you for the fourth anniversary of the Delta Community Centre.
Briefly, I would like to say how very proud I am this evening to see what a tremendous transformation this Constituency is going through. they had a fire in 1961, and from the ashes of that fire, we are building a new community. And this is the forerunner of what is possible in the rest of Singapore and indeed in the rest of Malaysia if we are prepared to be forebearing with each other, to build a Malaysian Malaysia, a Malaysia in which all Malaysians regardless of race, language, religion, share equally in the opportunities of life.
Some people may wonder why it is that we, instead of just keeping quiet and allowing people to say what they like, you know, "Malays unite" ... they shout this everywhere. People get worried. If amongst the Chinese, you hear people say, "Hokkiens unite", all the non-Hokkiens will say, "What is all this about? Is it to wallop all the non-Hokkiens?" So they say, "Malays unite" and we say, "What's all this about?"
And the Secretary-General of UMNO says, "Wherever you are, remember, you are a Malay." I say, "What's all this?" I though in the Constitution we are all Malaysians, we are all going to be together. But not according to the Secretary-General of UMNO (who says) "We are all Malays, not Malaysians."
Well, I say we had better decide now: Are we Malaysians or are we Malays? Because I can't be a Malay. I can be a Malaysian. And 61% of the people of Malaysia can become Malaysians; can become loyal to Malaysia, accept the concept of a Malaysian Malaysia.
But (it is) very difficult to be a Malay because many things have to be done if you want to be a Malay. So, I say, better decide now; don't wait five years, ten years.
And I would like to tell you the reasons why it is better to decide now. First, if you allow these people every day in UTUSAN MELAYU and UTUSAN ZAMAN to tell the malays: "Malays unite, Malays unite" -- they talk about race; never talk about nation, they always talk about "bangsa", race; never nation -- if this goes on for one, two, three, four, five years, (it will be) very difficult to change the thinking of the ground. So I say, better decide now whether they are going to go on doing this. Because later on to change, is much more difficult. You know what this man, the Secretary-General of UMNO, said in Parliament? He says, "No harm; I can say 'Chinese unite, Chinese unite'." He hasn't spent his time calculating what is the significance of what he is doing.
What he means is MCa calls the Chinese to unite, and he knows that the Chinese will never unite under the MCA because they are political eunuchs. You know that a eunch is? A eunuch is a human being that is neither male nor female. So, politically these chaps can do no harm. So they say, "Yes, you call the Chinese to unite," knowing full well that they cannot unite under eunuchs.
But supposing we stood up, real virile Chinese stood up and said, "Unite", you know what is going to happen in five years, and 42% of the population.
What is going to happen to this country? I think it is all foolish talk. This is the sort of thing we fought against in Singapore for all these years, from 1959, '60,
'61, '62, '63. You know that. You know how Barisan used to go around and work people up on the basis of race. I say that is no future that way.
But I will tell you another reason why it is necessary to decide now; not later on. Because now it is easier for us, if they do not wan a Malaysian Malaysia, to make alternative arrangement; you know, some other way.
You see, the agreement in the Constitution must lead to a malaysian nation, a Malaysian Malaysia. And if they want to stop it, they must use unconstitutional methods to stop it. So I say, if you want to do that, do it now; better for us, easier for us to make other alternative arrangements. And the alternative arrangements? Well, we don't want to talk too much about it. But if really it is necessary, then I say, "Look, all those States that want a Malaysian Malaysia can come together." I can think of three straightway: Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore. I can think of a few others like Penang and Malacca. I can even believe that Johore -- the Sultan of Johore may not like to go and join Indonesia as has been suggested by UMNO Merdeka. Why should he? Perhaps, the Secretary-General of UMNO ... I read in the papers he has come from the Celebes; born there, bred there; came to Singapore just before the War. Well, maybe, he wants to rejoin the Celebes. But I am quite sure the Sultan of Johore do not want to join Celebes because joining the Celebes means joining Java and joining Indonesia which means going right down. If they want to insist on this, then I say, say so now. We can make alternative arrangements;easier now than later. And, they have't got the capacity; they have not got enough guns to govern this Malaysia by force; cannot be done; not possible. To go and govern 80,000 square miles in Sabah and Sarawak; 1½ times the size of Malaya; 1,000 miles of ocean in between -- they are going to govern it? They are going to sit in the Alliance 'Kapal Layar', the sailing boat to go there and then govern Sabah and Sarawak without the help of the British, the Australians and the New Zealanders?
I say, "Better say so now if you want to do that." And we can look after ourselves. We don't have to talk too much of details. But I'll say now, if that's what you want, then we've got other ideas of looking after ourselves.
But I say, best of all, Malaysian Malaysia, stick to the Constitution; honour each other; accommodate, make adjustments, live happily in a multiracial society. Everybody equal malaysian citizens regardless of race, language, religion.
This is the message I want to say. It is not just in Singapore that people are not accustomed to Malay rule. You know what they said in Parliament, Dr. Mahathir from Kota Star? --"We in Singapore are not accustomed to Malay rule. We are not like people in Kelantan and Trengganu." Well, let me tell him this: when we joined Malaysia,
we never agreed to Malay rule; we agreed to Malaysian rule; never Malay rule.
This is all bunkum. Somebody has made a grave error of judgment if they believe that we agreed ot Malay rule. (We) never agreed to it. The Constitution means democratic rule by representatives of the people on the basis of adult franchise: one man one vote; one citizen one vote which means Malaysia is ruled by Malaysians. And we want to make that clear now. That is the only kind of rule that we will agree to.
And any talk by Dr. Mahathir or anybody else about Malay rule I say is very follish and very reckless, because that is the surest way to bring about a great deal of unhappiness not only for us -- because we know that any way we have to face problems -- but unhappiness for them. And if we show them that we are united and strong and will stand up to this intimidation, then there is a better chance that they won't try.
So, on that note, I wish the people of Delta many happy years within a Malaysian Malaysia.
Thank you.