Tuesday, December 15, 2009


东姑拉沙里说, 他宁可大马没有生产石油.
这不是风凉话, 而是沉痛的陈述.
石油是老天爷赐给一个国家的额外财富, 属于天降之福; 然而, 就如同老子所说: "福兮, 祸之所伏" ------福, 可以是祸之根源.
正如一个有福气的孩子, 含着银匙出身富贵之家, 没有温饱之忧; 别人喝清汤, 他喝血燕窝, 别人挨快熟面, 他吃菲力牛排; 人生之路, 已经铺好地毡, 等着他平步青云.
其实, 这是福气, 不是坏事 ----- 如果能够善用加利用的话.
至少, 喝喝燕窝, 吃牛排长大, 身强体壮, 耳清目明, 读起书来, 记忆不褪, 打起架来, 虎虎生威.
但是, 如果被财富蒙蔽了双眼, 破坏了大脑; 用财富来满足吃喝玩乐的欲望, 不知人间疾苦, 若千年后, 财富散去, 成了败家子一名, 穷途末路, 悔不当初.
此时, 宁可出身平凡, 踏踏实实做人.
石油, 也是老天爷的恩赐. 如果好好利用, 乖乖不得了; 如果美国当年地底没有蕴藏量丰富的石油, 也不会迅速崛起成为超级强国.
问题是, 石油之于大马, 犹如财富之于二世祖.
这方面, 姑里清楚不过, 他是国家石油公司( Petronas ) 的创始人之一, 35年前, 亲手规划国油的管理, 以及石油资源的应用.
他说, 按照原本的计划, 石油的开采有所节制, 确保能够长远持续; 而石油收入是用来发展教育, 推行现代化, 协助我国晋身高产能, 高收入的国家.
不过, 当石油的管理大权落入当权者手中, 一切走了样, 大量开采, 任意挥霍.
政治人物用石油钱来兴建双峰峰塔, 以及各种华而不实的大型计划, 并且用来挽救失败的公司, 购买昂贵武器; 一部分也进入权贵在海外的银行户头.
石油资源成为某些人的工具, 加剧了独裁统治, 破坏宪政民主, 也腐化了政府和工商界的菁精.
石油财富被滥用, 如同吸毒者滥用毒品, 用来刺激亢奋,不息和满足不道德的欲望.
60年代, 大马还不是石油生产国, 我们的社会经济水平, 在亚洲是首屈一指.
70年代发了石油财, 大马开始走下坡; 而没有石油的新加坡, 香港, 台湾, 和韩国等, 却向上提升, 依靠公平廉洁的制度, 开创竞争生产力, 进入现代化的行列.
换个角度, 大马石油的黄金时期快结束了. 如今, 石油收入少了一半; 再过两年, 就是石油净入口国.
或许, 着可以敲醒一些人的脑袋, 从新振作.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So long I did not update on my current status. I've finish my 6th semester in Diploma last month and currently having my 2 months holiday. However, I've started doing my voluntary internship at one company in Subang for 8 weeks. Currently I am in the 2nd week of the internship. Not having holidays, not having college life but having working life right now.

If everything goes as plan, I will only go back Kuching on Chinese New Year, which is around February next year and ya I can't wait to go back to eat kolo mee, beef noodle and sarawak laksa.

I have something to share here:

Facebook is really a powerful social networking site. It helped me to get in touch with some of my old friends whom I have not seen them for 7 to 8 years. I was so happy when I got to see how much they've changed or have not change. I was also very happy that I can once again keep in touch with them, especially when I finally found a person that I have been searching for 7 years.

One more thing about Facebook, recently through Facebook i found out that one of my ex-schoolmate or my senior, a lady, fall sick due to leukemia. I was surprised and upset when i see the notes posted in Facebook because from what i remember she is a very nice, friendly and outgoing lady and like what my friend said, good person should not be punished, only bad person should be. I am a Christian so I believe there's always a God's intention or God's reason behind every unfortunate events, which is yet to be known. She is undergoing treatment and I really wish her good luck and speed recovery.

Sorry for not posting any photos in this post. I know some of you (including me) do not like to read a post with uncountable words but this is a special post, so photos are excluded.

If u wan to visit Melaka

You must:

1. Go with a bunch of friends or families.

2. Eat Chicken Rice Ball.

3. Visit Kota A'Famosa.

4. Have a walk at Jonker Street during weekend.

5. Try the taiwanese beef noodle.

6. Take a ride on Eye On Malaysia.

7. Enjoy Satay Chu-Lut.

8. Visit St Paul Church.

9. Have Nyonya Food.

10. Play paintball at A'Famosa resort.

Melaka is a nice place to visit and there's more activities you can do there besides the above mentioned. Cuti-cuti Malaysia~!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Upcoming Perodua MPV

What's the best selling MPV currently in Malaysia market? Nissan Livina, Proton Exora, and probably also the soon-to-be-retire Toyota Avanza. After a few months, I assume all of these will have to make their ways for the up coming Perodua MPV.

It is scheduled launch at Quarter4, 2009. The name of this MPV is yet to be confirmed but it is base on Toyota/Daihatsu model called Passo Sette.

I manage to find some leaked photo from the internet and would like show it to all of you.
Basically what Perodua has done are some cosmetic changes on the exterior and the interior to the original Toyota's/Daihatsu's, which they had done to all their models: Kancil to Myvi to Nautica and etc.

Compare to the original version, the exterior of the Perodua's version is more agressive and less 'Nippon style' which suits Malaysian taste generally. The headlamp is sharp and has similarity to the new Hyundai Genesis Coupe's. From what the photos show, I believe the High Spec model has projector lamp for their headlamp.

The interior, on the other hand, well.....cheap looking and....still....cheap looking compare to the original one (but frankly speaking, the original 1 also not that expensive looking). Perodua even replace the gate shif gear to ordinary one.

I believe this MPV will hit Avanza's market hard because it will be priced similarly to Avanza, as well as Proton Exora but Proton Exora's is a much bigger MPV compare to this one. So stay tuned for the 2nd round of Proton v.s. Perodua battle.

For related older posts, click here:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009





简 单来说,我想说的是,我对这个选区巨大的转变感到非常骄傲。在1961年,这里发生了一场大火,由废墟中,我们重建了整个社区。这可能是全新加坡的典范, 甚至可说是全马来西亚的典范,如果我们准备宽容对待彼此,建立一个马来西亚人的马来西亚,一个不分种族、语言、宗教的马来西亚,在生活中共享平等。

一 些人可能会在想,为何我们对他们任意妄为的说法保持沉默,你知道的……『马来人大团结』(Malays unite)……他们到处在喊这个口号。人们感到担忧。如果在华人社会中,你听到有人说:「福建人大团结」,那些非福建人将会说:「这是什么意思?这是在 打压全体的非福建人吗?」同样的,当他们说『马来人大团结』,我们会说:「这是什么意思?」




同 时,我要告诉你其中的理由,为何现在决定更好。首先,如果你允许这些人每天在《马来前锋报》(UTUSAN MELAYU)和《世纪前锋报》(UTUSAN ZAMAN)告诉马来人说:「马来人大团结!马来人大团结!」——他们说的都是种族,而不是国家,他们挂在口中的是『种族』(bangsa),从来都不是 国家——如果这种情况持续两年、三年、四年、五年的话,将会非常难改变这种根深蒂固的思想。因此,我说,最好现在决定,我们是否要继续这样下去,因为如果 太迟进行改变的话,那将会很困难。你知道这个人,巫统总秘书在国会里头说些什么吗?他说:「无伤大雅,我可以说『华人大团结!华人大团结!』」他还未对自 己正在做的事计算其重要性。

他所谓的马华叫华人团结的意思呢?他知道华人将不可能在马华的旗帜下团结,因为他们是『政治太 监』(political eunuch)。你知道什么是太监吗?太监就是不男不女的人类。因此,从政治角度来看,这些人没杀伤力。因此,他们说:「是的!你去叫华人团结吧!」心知 肚明,他们不能在太监的旗帜下团结。

可是,如果我们站起来的话,真正的华人会站起来说 道:『团结』,你知道接下来五年会发生什么事,这42%的人口。这个国家将会发生什么事?我想这是个很愚蠢的谈话。这是这几年我们为新加坡所抗争的事,自 从59年、60年、61年、62年、63年,你都应该晓得。你知道联盟如何以种族为基础利用基层和人民,我说,这是没有前途的。


你 看吧!宪法中的承诺必定导向(成立一个)马来西亚人的国度——一个马来西亚人的马来西亚。同时,如果他们不这样做的话,他们必须使用违背宪法的方法来停止 这一切。因此,我说,如果你要做这件好事,现在就做!对我们来说会更好,也让我们更容易的做出其他的替代安排。什么是替代安排呢?关于这点,我们不要谈得 太多,可是如果真的需要的话,那我会说:「看吧!那些想要『马来西亚人的马来西亚』的州属可以团结起来。」我可以立即联想到三个地方:沙巴、砂朥越和新加 坡,我可以联想到其他地方,好像槟城和马六甲。我甚至相信柔佛——柔佛苏丹或许不想加入印尼,所以巫统建议它独立。他干嘛要这样做呢?

或 许,这位巫统总秘书……我阅读报纸事得知他来自苏拉威西(旧称Celebes)他在那里出生长大,并在战前来到新加坡。或许,他想要重新加入苏拉威西,可 是我相当肯定柔佛苏丹不想加入苏拉威西,因为加入苏拉威西将等同加入爪哇,和加入印尼,意思即是对他们低声下气。如果他们坚持要这样做,那我会说,现在就 说,我们可以做出替代安排;越来越好,同时,他们没有足够力量,他们没有足够的武器以武力通知这个马来西亚;办不到,这是不可能的。去统治一块八万平方英 亩的沙巴和砂朥越,马来西亚的1½倍,之间相隔一个一千英里的海洋——他们想要统治它?他们想要驾驶着联盟的『帆船』(Kapal Layar),航向沙巴和砂朥越对它进行统治,而无需英国、澳洲和纽西兰的帮忙?



这 就是我要说出来的信息,不习惯让马来人统治的不止是新加坡人民,你知道他们在国会怎么说吗?哥打士打(Kota Star,即是亚罗士打,Alor Setar)的马哈迪医生说了什么?他说「我们新加坡不习惯让马来人统治,我们不像吉兰丹或丁加奴的人民。」好吧!让我告诉他:当我们加入马来西亚时,我 们从来没有同意过让马来人统治,我们同意的是让马来西亚人统治,从来不是马来人的统治。

这全是废话,如果有人相信我们同意让马来人统治的 话,这些人犯了致命的错误。我们从来也没同意过。宪法禀明,基于每个成年人所拥有的权力,所投选出来的代表治理这个民主国家;一人一票;每个公民一票,即 是说,马来西亚由马来西亚人所治理,而我们必须清楚的说明这一点,这是我们所同意的唯一规矩。

而任何人,包括马哈迪医生,所说的马来人统 治(Malay rule),我说这些都是一派胡言,而且是在瞎干,因为这将非常肯定会给我们带来极大的不幸(unhappiness),不止是我们,也包括了他们的不 幸,因为我们都知道无论如何我们都要面对这些问题,同时,如果我们向他们显示出我们的团结和强大,并抗拒这些恐吓,这样的话,较大机会他们不会乱来。



Before I speak in Hokkien, may I just say what a great pleasure it is to be with you for the fourth anniversary of the Delta Community Centre.

Briefly, I would like to say how very proud I am this evening to see what a tremendous transformation this Constituency is going through. they had a fire in 1961, and from the ashes of that fire, we are building a new community. And this is the forerunner of what is possible in the rest of Singapore and indeed in the rest of Malaysia if we are prepared to be forebearing with each other, to build a Malaysian Malaysia, a Malaysia in which all Malaysians regardless of race, language, religion, share equally in the opportunities of life.

Some people may wonder why it is that we, instead of just keeping quiet and allowing people to say what they like, you know, "Malays unite" ... they shout this everywhere. People get worried. If amongst the Chinese, you hear people say, "Hokkiens unite", all the non-Hokkiens will say, "What is all this about? Is it to wallop all the non-Hokkiens?" So they say, "Malays unite" and we say, "What's all this about?"

And the Secretary-General of UMNO says, "Wherever you are, remember, you are a Malay." I say, "What's all this?" I though in the Constitution we are all Malaysians, we are all going to be together. But not according to the Secretary-General of UMNO (who says) "We are all Malays, not Malaysians."

Well, I say we had better decide now: Are we Malaysians or are we Malays? Because I can't be a Malay. I can be a Malaysian. And 61% of the people of Malaysia can become Malaysians; can become loyal to Malaysia, accept the concept of a Malaysian Malaysia.

But (it is) very difficult to be a Malay because many things have to be done if you want to be a Malay. So, I say, better decide now; don't wait five years, ten years.

And I would like to tell you the reasons why it is better to decide now. First, if you allow these people every day in UTUSAN MELAYU and UTUSAN ZAMAN to tell the malays: "Malays unite, Malays unite" -- they talk about race; never talk about nation, they always talk about "bangsa", race; never nation -- if this goes on for one, two, three, four, five years, (it will be) very difficult to change the thinking of the ground. So I say, better decide now whether they are going to go on doing this. Because later on to change, is much more difficult. You know what this man, the Secretary-General of UMNO, said in Parliament? He says, "No harm; I can say 'Chinese unite, Chinese unite'." He hasn't spent his time calculating what is the significance of what he is doing.

What he means is MCa calls the Chinese to unite, and he knows that the Chinese will never unite under the MCA because they are political eunuchs. You know that a eunch is? A eunuch is a human being that is neither male nor female. So, politically these chaps can do no harm. So they say, "Yes, you call the Chinese to unite," knowing full well that they cannot unite under eunuchs.

But supposing we stood up, real virile Chinese stood up and said, "Unite", you know what is going to happen in five years, and 42% of the population.

What is going to happen to this country? I think it is all foolish talk. This is the sort of thing we fought against in Singapore for all these years, from 1959, '60,
'61, '62, '63. You know that. You know how Barisan used to go around and work people up on the basis of race. I say that is no future that way.

But I will tell you another reason why it is necessary to decide now; not later on. Because now it is easier for us, if they do not wan a Malaysian Malaysia, to make alternative arrangement; you know, some other way.

You see, the agreement in the Constitution must lead to a malaysian nation, a Malaysian Malaysia. And if they want to stop it, they must use unconstitutional methods to stop it. So I say, if you want to do that, do it now; better for us, easier for us to make other alternative arrangements. And the alternative arrangements? Well, we don't want to talk too much about it. But if really it is necessary, then I say, "Look, all those States that want a Malaysian Malaysia can come together." I can think of three straightway: Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore. I can think of a few others like Penang and Malacca. I can even believe that Johore -- the Sultan of Johore may not like to go and join Indonesia as has been suggested by UMNO Merdeka. Why should he? Perhaps, the Secretary-General of UMNO ... I read in the papers he has come from the Celebes; born there, bred there; came to Singapore just before the War. Well, maybe, he wants to rejoin the Celebes. But I am quite sure the Sultan of Johore do not want to join Celebes because joining the Celebes means joining Java and joining Indonesia which means going right down. If they want to insist on this, then I say, say so now. We can make alternative arrangements;easier now than later. And, they have't got the capacity; they have not got enough guns to govern this Malaysia by force; cannot be done; not possible. To go and govern 80,000 square miles in Sabah and Sarawak; 1½ times the size of Malaya; 1,000 miles of ocean in between -- they are going to govern it? They are going to sit in the Alliance 'Kapal Layar', the sailing boat to go there and then govern Sabah and Sarawak without the help of the British, the Australians and the New Zealanders?

I say, "Better say so now if you want to do that." And we can look after ourselves. We don't have to talk too much of details. But I'll say now, if that's what you want, then we've got other ideas of looking after ourselves.

But I say, best of all, Malaysian Malaysia, stick to the Constitution; honour each other; accommodate, make adjustments, live happily in a multiracial society. Everybody equal malaysian citizens regardless of race, language, religion.

This is the message I want to say. It is not just in Singapore that people are not accustomed to Malay rule. You know what they said in Parliament, Dr. Mahathir from Kota Star? --"We in Singapore are not accustomed to Malay rule. We are not like people in Kelantan and Trengganu." Well, let me tell him this: when we joined Malaysia,
we never agreed to Malay rule; we agreed to Malaysian rule; never Malay rule.

This is all bunkum. Somebody has made a grave error of judgment if they believe that we agreed ot Malay rule. (We) never agreed to it. The Constitution means democratic rule by representatives of the people on the basis of adult franchise: one man one vote; one citizen one vote which means Malaysia is ruled by Malaysians. And we want to make that clear now. That is the only kind of rule that we will agree to.

And any talk by Dr. Mahathir or anybody else about Malay rule I say is very follish and very reckless, because that is the surest way to bring about a great deal of unhappiness not only for us -- because we know that any way we have to face problems -- but unhappiness for them. And if we show them that we are united and strong and will stand up to this intimidation, then there is a better chance that they won't try.

So, on that note, I wish the people of Delta many happy years within a Malaysian Malaysia.

Thank you.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Damaged Brain System

JULY 23 — One of the wonderful things about living in Malaysia is that we devote so much of our resources into building brain power. We love smart people in Malaysia. Parents spend an obscene amount on tuition classes.

Let’s look at some of the major initiatives by our wonderful government to increase our brain power:

1) Malaysia will produce more than 100,000 PhDs by 2012

2) Creating “knowledge” workers and “world-class” IT industry via the MSC

3) Almost all grants by MOSTI is geared towards science and technology

4) Building new universities left and right. In the 1980s we had fewer than a dozen universities — now we have more than 20 public universities and an equal number of private universities

5) “Apex” and “research” universities allocated extra millions of ringgit with the aim of getting into the top 200 university rankings

6) All sorts of academic prizes from all sorts of dubious exhibitions

7) Smart schools

8) All sorts of scholarships — JPA alone gives more than 2,000 overseas scholarships. If you include Mara and GLCs and private companies, the number is probably somewhere about 6,000-7,000 overseas scholarships plus thousands of local scholarships

9) “Brain gain” programme where we try to entice successful Malaysian scientists to come back to help our R&D

10) All sorts of government-backed programmes like the invention awards, best ICT Company, PM’s innovation awards, smart partnership, etc.

Yet, somehow we seem to be going the opposite direction. Mind you it’s been there for more than a decade already and, correct me if I am wrong; the MSC has been a dismal failure since the “knowledge” industry has not taken off and no major Malaysian IT inventions since the inception of the MSC. Cyberjaya is still years behind Singapore.

In fact, the most famous “Malaysian” IT invention — the pen drive — was invented in Taiwan by a Malaysian Chinese who could not even enter a public university here. He had to go to Taiwan, get a degree there (which is not recognised here!) and invented the pen drive there. So today, the world thinks it’s a Taiwan invention! Malaysia Boleh!

The brain gain programme is so successful that almost all the scientists who came back to work here have resigned from the public universities or government research centres, and the bulk of them have left for overseas again. Needless to say, their major complaints were racism (almost all were non-Bumiputeras) and red tape. But no one wants to admit to this since it’s not a very smart thing to admit failure.

Meanwhile we are rushing to produce 100,000 PhDs. Since most of these 100,000 PhDs will be awarded by local public universities you really have to wonder about the quality. But who cares? The important thing is to graduate 100,000 “doctors” of dubious quality so that they can train the next generation. After all, the majority of these PhDs will end up as professors in our public universities and they will supervise the next generation of PhDs. Remember the movie “Dumber and Dumber”?

Is it any wonder that our public universities’ ranking is dropping fast?

On top of that, we have decided to stop emphasising English at the high school level. No wonder international schools are celebrating — their student enrolment will go through the roof from next year onwards.

And to ensure that we have the right environment to produce “Towering Malays” and “world-class” Malaysians, the mainstream newspapers here follow the same editorial style as China’s People’s Daily and the old Soviet Union’s Pravda. Truth is not as important as propaganda and the promotion of racism and racist ideology. Malay newspapers are free to preach racism as long as they reinforce “Malay unity” and Malay dominance. News is only news if the government says so.

In the arts, local productions cannot reflect reality. How else can you explain government directives that Mat Rempits and transvestites cannot be shown on Malaysian movies and television. The way it works is like this: if we don’t show Mat Rempits and transvestites, then they do not exist! See how smart we have become because of all the government investment in educating Malaysians? Very soon, there will be no prostitutes or gay people in Malaysia.

Just to be sure, the government has just announced another round of books that are banned in Malaysia. In total more than 2,000 titles are banned in Malaysia. Some authors do not even know that their books are banned. Reading is a dangerous habit for a knowledge nation.

Meanwhile religion, or the official view of religion, is shafted down the throats of young people through television programmes and in the schools.

You really have to wonder how on earth Malaysia produces thinking citizens since all around them the system, from the mass media to the education system to the universities, is designed to damage the brain? The whole system is designed to produce a non-thinking, non-critical person who can easily be manipulated by propaganda.

It is really mind-boggling that somehow young people have managed to escape this system. Of course there are thousands who believe in the system and are basically brain dead, especially after reading the Malay newspapers and watching the local television stations. But there is a significant portion of young people out there who have managed to overcome the attempt to control their mind. I take my hat off to these young people. Without them, Malaysia will have no future.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Digi Campus is here~!

Digi Campus, a prepaid plan specially tailored for university/college students.

Ever since last year, i've already heard about Digi Campus. It was tempting, providing lower rate for voice call and sms compare to Digi normal prepaid plan.

However, it wasn't tempting enough for me, because at that time, it has some sort of zone policy; meaning cheaper voical call and sms can be made only when the user is within the campus zone and all the benefits from Friends&Family will be gone once using the Digi Campus plan.

Then my brother asked me, why don't i sign up for Digi Campus. I told him that Digi never come to my college to promote it, which was kinda sad, because when i first came to Inti-Uc, Hotlink has already provided their user to send sms to same network for 1 sen each within the campus zone.

After around a year, Digi renewed their Digi Campus plan. they canceled the zone policy, and allowing Digi Campus users to call for as low as...FREE!. Users get to call other Digi number for free after they used RM2 on voice call per day.
As for sms, users will only be charged for as low as....FREE! to 11 F&F number.

Ok....that is very tempting for me. Because i was previously using beyond prepaid plan ( i guess only long term Digi prepaid users knows what beyond perpaid is), which was very expensive for making calls. Somemore, Digi finally come to my college to promote it!!!

At first, my friend told me that one must buy a new number to get the Digi Campus plan. I had doubt for what he said and decided to check out Digi web page for more information and found a solid statements that says current Digi prepaid users could switch to Digi Campus.

I don't want to get a new number to either replace my current number or as secondary number because that will be too troublesome for me and i might stop using any of these number within one year time, with more than a hundred fifty ringgit credit left.

Today, i walked pass their booth in my college, and asked one of the promoter about it. He answered me:' Yes you can maintain your current number! Only that you'll have to wait 2 weeks to activate the plan'.

All i did was just filling up the form and wait for 2 weeks, somemore, i even recieved A4 size box of free gift from them after the registration.

There's 2 packets of Nestcafe Instant Coffee, discount vouchers for various stores and an various Digi Campus stickers from the gift box.

I'm still not sure whether my plan will be changed to Digi Campus after two weeks. What i'm trying to say here, is that you can seriously consider Digi Campus if you are still a student studying at college or university. I hope Digi will go to Sarawak's universities and colleges to promote it because Sarawak is one of Digi's main market for prepaid.

Log on to Digi.com.my to get more info. Mind you, i don't get paid for witting all of these. =D

Within less than a week, my prepaid plan successfully changed to Digi Campus. So it's proven that one can change his/her current phone number's plan to Digi Campus provided the number is under prepaid plan.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tagged by Boey

If Boey didn't remind me, i would not know she has tagged me in her blog. Paise to Boey as i didn't read your blog that frequently.

1.Besides your lips, where is the favorite spot to get kissed?
Hmm...cheek, maybe.

2.How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Hot, cause it was 1pm.

3.Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?
If not mistaken that person or should i say they were Ah Tan, Shun Ping, Vui Yee, Ah Phua and his Kuantan friend.

4.Would you consider yourself spoiled?
Somehow yes, cause i have a very caring family.

5.Will you ever donate blood?
I've donated twice. =D

6.Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
Better opposite sex friend, yes but best, not really.

7.Do you want someone to be dead?

8.What does your last text message say?
Tonight you free to do moral assignment?

9.What are u thinking right now?
Finish this tag.

10. Do you want someone to be with you now?
No, cause i want to go to bed after doing this tag. =D

11.What was the time you went to bed last night?
Last night i didn't went to bed, it was this morning 7.30am.

12.Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
I don't think i am wearing any tee now.

13.Is someone on your mind right now?
Yes, Boey, she wants me to do this tag.

14.Who was the last person who text you?
Ah Phua.

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz...
1. Jessey
2. Jin Jin
3. Wan Ling
4. Yan Kai
5. Lik Ming
6. Ian
7. Yee Lin
8. Christine
9. Janet
10. Kim Tu

15. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
Ah Le.

16. Is no. 3 a male or a female?

17. If no. 7 and and no. 1 get together, would it be a good?
That would be a pair of lesbian.

18. What is no. 1 studying about?

19. When was the last time you chatted with them?
1--Forgot already.
2--This afternoon, left msg at her blog.
3--Forgot already, last few weeks i think.
4--Last few days in messenger.
5--Just now.
6--Just now.
7--Last few weeks i think.
8--Last few days.
9--Omg, forgot.

20. Is no. 4 single?
I think so.

21.Say something about no. 2.
She claimed herself to be angelic, but erhem....

22.What do you think about no. 2 and no. 6 being together?
Can't imagine.

23.Describe no. 9.
Cool from the outside, hot from the inside.

24. What will you do if no. 6 and no. 7 fight?
They will never fight so i will never do anything.

25. Do you like 8?
A good friend she is. =D

Friday, May 15, 2009

Nothing But the Truth

'Nothing but the Truth', is actually the title of an American film which open in US last October.

If you like Kate Beckinsale who acted as a nurse in the film 'Pearl Harbor', or you like politics and of course, the nasty parts of the politics, or you have the interest to be a journalist/ reporter/ serious blogger who writes stuffs about politics or you are those who, from the day you know what the word 'ambition' means, you promised yourself you want to become a lawyer when you grow up, then you should probably watch this film.

There's no bing bang boom, Holloywood style action scences, exotic scences that can make your nose bleed or superheroes flying here and there to save the world or romantic dinner and sweet talks in this film so you should know what kind of film I am talking right now.

Seriously, I think it is a nice film, inspired by a true event but not exactly based on a true story.
I'm not going to give my further opinions or comments for the movie. Just WATCH it if you are interested.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Kuching Bakery/Cake Specialist, Taka Bakery, organized a preview or 'try-it-out' (Sorry, i can't think of any suitable word, blame my broken English) session for their latest products this afternoon at their new outlet at Jalan Tun Jugah, Kuching.

I was so lucky to be invited by my friend to try out their delicious and yummy new cakes which are yet to be sold to public. FYI, Taka's staffs worked together with a Taiwan Si Fu to produce these new varieties. Although i am no expert in cakes tasting, these cakes do taste good for me. Some more, they really makes you want to eat them, because they look so tasty.

Those placed at the top of the shelf are not for sell...yet.

I did not take photograph on all the new cakes as i was busy chatting with my friends while i was there, my mistake =P. For those in Kuching who like to eat cake, wait patiently for Taka new cakes as they will sell it to the public very soon.

Yup, they are part of my friends who were invited as well.
External Link to the new products:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Proton Exora to be launched tonight

For those who have not seen the exterior of Proton Exora, here it is. It will be launched at KL Convention Centre by our new Prime Minister.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Today 8.30p.m, an Earth conscious event-60 Earth Hour, will begin around the globe and last for an hour.
The objective of this event is to create awareness among human beings that the earth is being badly polluted now and need to be saved.

But there's another side of story for this Green Event. Read below:

各个主流媒体大事宣传,各大公司财团纷纷响应的“地球一小时”(Earth Hour),无不让全世界多个城市把3月28日这天当地时间晚上8时半至9时半变成万众瞩目的聚焦所在。

这个由世界自然基金会(WWF)和澳洲悉尼晨锋报(Sydney Morning Herald)所合力发起的活动,于2007年3月31日第一次举办,有220万参与,据说为悉尼市在那个一小时省下电源2.2%-10.2%。2008 年,这个活动扩散到其它各国的城市,据说有5千万人参与其中。到了2009年,“地球一小时”活动进一步扩大到全球各地更多的城市,83个国家的2100 座城市参加这场盛会,而马来西亚的吉隆坡、槟城等城市也参与其中。

据悉 ,这个活动的目的是要推动电源管理,减少二氧化碳的排放量,今年更把焦点放在气候变化的课题上。




当然,气候变化已经是一个不可否认的事实,而且威胁着全人类和地球生物的生存。但是,那些盈利财团做的,就是去响应那些“感觉很好”(feel good)却没有改变到什么的,将自己表现得有“社会责任”的商业宣传活动。像“地球一小时”这样的活动,就是最廉价的宣传,还可以帮忙促销自己的品牌,真的是何乐而不为。


近年流行的一些“绿色”概念,非常符合财团“赎罪”之余又不影响让它们继续通过剥削劳动人民和地球资源去累计自己财富的生产关系。什么“碳排放牌照 ”(carbon credit)之类的“排污交易”(emission trading),只是在资本主义市场机制操作下模糊人们视线的障眼法闹剧,并不能解决大量碳排入大气层的问题,我们更应该主张的是“把碳留在地下”,不要再有任何碳排放。



因此,在拯救地球生态的运动中,我们需要建立起群众的力量。这个捍卫地球环境的运动,不能是告诉我们去“牺牲自己”的运动,因为那些叫我们“牺牲自己”或 “由自己本身开始改变”的人,往往都是不会去改变自己和整个社会制度的既得利益者。我们要的保护地球运动,也是一个会让人民有工作、社会继续发展、人民生活更好的运动。

在此,要对2009年3月28日晚上熄灯一小时的朋友们说的是,当你熄灯的当儿,不要只是想到自己个人的生活方式,更应该去想想我们全部人所活在之中的荒唐制度。我们迫切需要的是将摧毁地球和人类生活的资本主义制度连根拔起,而不只是制造一个看起来比较“绿色 ”的假象。

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Layman explanation for Financial Crisis.

Some writting by another author:

Those studying Financial course, this might be helpful.

AlJazeera 101 East On Sarawak Issue

Very informative clips. Well, you can never expect local stations like TV1,2,3, NTV7 or 8TV to do this kind of interview. If not mistaken, Astro also got AlJazeera right? No? I'm not sure because my house no longer subscribe Astro but I think even if Astro has AlJazeera, this episode will be filtered by Astro. Why? Thanks to media freedom restrictions in Malaysia.

When people out there claiming that they are the 'Bumiputera' of Malaysia and asking for special rights and special treatments , the real 'Bumiputera' are being isolated and left out. Moreover, Malaysian are too concern on West Malaysia issues and hardly pay attention to East Malaysia issues. When Sarawak and Sabah helped BN to win most of the seats last March 08, only they start to visits East Malaysia more often and give more funds to these 2 'States'. Sigh...

So Malay, please take care of the other 'Bumiputras' out there. You're not the only bumiputra in Malaysia who deserves better treatments.

Chinese and Indians, please help these true bumiputra as their living are like in the pre-independance, as if they are not moving forward like us. Read my previous post and you will understand more. We, as Chinese and Indians, know the feeling of being left out and isolated by the policies that favour the other race more, therefore we should lend our helping hand to those who are in a worse scenario.

As for the natives of Sarawak and Sabah, please unite and fight for your right. Do not give up because in the early days, Chinese and Indian really sacrificed alot to fight for their rights and they really get something in return, like citizenship, which are great things for their younger generation like me. So you too, must fight for what is important to your younger generations. Do not betray your tribe and stay united.

Those who love Borneo, East Malaysia and Sarawak, please please please, love this place in a correct way.

Friday, March 6, 2009




作者/砂拉越·杨煦 Mar 06, 2009 02:11:01 pm









过去24年来,政府以飞行医疗措施为偏远内陆居民提供最简便的医疗服务。全马目前就只有沙、砂两州仍有飞行医疗服务,而这个由联邦卫生部掌管的飞行医疗服 务分两种:一是飞行医生服务(Flying Doctor Service, FDS),另一是医疗遣送服务(Medical Evacuation Service, MEDEVAC)。前者原则上由医生和护士每个月前往固定村落一次,为原住民看诊;后者则在发生紧急状况时,以直升机将重病或发生意外的村民从内陆村落送 到市内医院。




位于偏远地方的其他公共诊疗所完全没有牙医和医生,仅靠一、两名经过本地大医院三年专科培训毕业的医药助理(Medical Assistants)及两年半训练的两名社区护士(Community Nurses)驻守。









在2006年初,联邦卫生部与财政部将2006年4月开始、为期四年的合约交给西马一家称为“SAR直升机公司”的空壳公司,这家公司不但没有直升机,也没有航空作业证书(Air Operator Certificate, AOC)。






Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Proton Exora Teaser Image

For those of you who read newspaper recently, you should probably see some black and white advertisements on Proton soon to be launched 'Proton Exora'.
Well, those are black and white images so it's hard to observe the details of the car.
Then, a local automotive blogger managed to find 2 high resolution images which are exactly the same as those advertised in local newspapers, only this time they are filled with color.
You can download these images and enlarge them to observe the details of Proton Exora's interior.
Observe carefully and you will see a few features that's been added to this model which can never be seen on current Proton's line-up.

For your info, this is a 7 seater multi-purpose-vehicle powered by Campro CPS 1.6l engine, which set to be launched at April 2009. Price starts from RM72k. Proton Exora will be a serious competitor to Nissan Grand Livina and Toyota Avanza.

UPDATE: (15-03-09)

Most of the local automotive blog and website have posted their Proton Exora prototype test-drive reviews. If you're interested to find out more. Feel free to visit the following websites:

Monday, February 16, 2009

Smiling Kelly, 潘嘉丽!?

Who is 潘嘉丽 oo0... If one listens to Mandarin Songs often, 潘嘉丽 will be a familiar name to them.
She's from Singapore, winner from the 1st 'Super Star' Singing Competition and her English name is Kelly. She came to my college to promote her latest album aka her third album 'Smiling Kelly' last Friday.

She's not very tall, around 160cm, skinny and she got rabbit teeth. <--cute
She's energetic, smiling most of the time and very friendly.
She sang a few songs from her latest album and play some mini games with the chosen students.

She studied in NanYang poly, joined an airline as a air-stewardess, quit the job and became what she is today. Basically she's not that young anymore. She's 1983 which makes her 26 this year.

A gift from my club: Student Action Club aka Stact Club. She's the club's chairperson.

潘嘉丽 posing with a fan who bought her album. I did not take any photo with her because I did not have her original CD.